"Waiter, there's a fly in my stone soup..." 

When I was a boy, I heard a story called Stone Soup. It went something like this:

One cold and rainy night, a farmer sat in his living room, when he heard a knock at the door. Upon answering the door, he beheld a shabby looking stranger.

Farmer: Sorry. No handouts.

Stranger: I’m not here to ask for anything. I’m here to offer you something.

Farmer: What is it?

Stranger: I have a magic stone.

Farmer: What’s magic about it?

Stranger: You can make soup from it.

Farmer: How do you make soup from a stone?

Stranger: You…

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The Act You've Known for All These Weeks 

Are you ready? Then stop questioning your heart and follow me, because it’s time for another frankmarzano.com newsletter!

Father Guido Sarducci (Saturday Night Live) once boasted that he could teach an entire college curriculum in twenty minutes. How, you ask? Simple: He would teach only those things that students remember after graduating.

One of the few things I remember since graduating is a course I took in Greek and Roman mythology. It was an extremely popular class; even seniors had trouble getting in.…

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Christmas n' July 

Are you done with your holiday shopping yet? Then log off of Amazon for a few minutes, because it’s time for another frankmarzano.com newsletter!

2023 was a very enjoyable year for me. The highlight was at the end of July, when I attended the “Jazz and Blues Weekend” in Ellicottville, NY. I had a delightful weekend, although I was a little surprised at their choice for a headlining act: an Eagles tribute band!

Tribute bands are everywhere nowadays. Here in northwest Pennsylvania, there are regularly gigging…

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